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Friday, September 23, 2011

HotBuy Shoes+Better Graphics on Stardoll?

Hey Dolls!

As I was logging onto Stardoll today, I noticed a change in the pick of the day on the main page. It is showing the latest Hot Buy shoes-which I'll give my opinion on in a second. Don't you think these graphics look much better?? I certainly think that they do! Stardoll keeps on getting better and better! Now, to the actual shoes. Priced at 15SD and from Fudge, I predict these shoes will be a sell-out! I love the design of them, the colours are perfect and they will suit any doll. Make sure you snap them up quick, they are a real investment buy! As there are many colours on the shoe, it will go with many outfits! What are your opinions? Let us know...

Have a great weekend!!

Rachel X


  1. I love these!! I like the different colors as well as the overall design of them.

  2. I noticed the graphics too, the first time I saw it was on the startpage of stardoll. I hope they'll improve more, I hope that stardoll will be in 2d in the future. (so you can see your doll from every angle)
