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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Look - a - like!

Hey everyone! I'm posting many posts, because I had these ideas when I didn't have the internet (as it was taking time to install and all that) anyway here is another look-a-like makeover post:

You may or may not recognize who this is.. it's Tyra Banks! She's a model and the executive producer of America's Next Top Model (ANTM!) Anyway, here it is. What do you think? I think they look pretty similar. I didn't have the exact same earrings so I subsituted it with a different pair of earrings. The makeup is mostly similar. All you need is - blusher, black pencil eyeliner, black and green eyeshadow and red lipstick! You just apply the red lipstick, and the blusher then you apply the black eyepencil and then gently add a bit of black eyeshadow and a bit of the green eyeshadow over it to get a darkish green. Then add a pair of earrings! VIOLA! What do you think? xx


  1. Wow, this seems like a simple look to do! Thanks!

  2. Quite similar to the original girl I have to say :) xx
