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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Starbazar Interior- What To Look For

Good morning readers,

Following on from my starbazar post (as requested by available) I forgot about the starbazar interior shop! It's a good place to buy and sell your unwanted items, however sifting through the mountains of overpriced takes time and patience. If you want a good deal, knowing where to look is a major plus!

To prevent you from overspending, set yourself a limit and know what you want. Most items are overpriced and it's hard to find a bargain so having friends who sell furniture is always good. They will sell you good things for small prices. Consider each possible purchase before buying and where in your suite would you put the item.

Buying trends..
Pet-a-Porter pets are now being sold! Sellers will try and rip you off, so aim to spend less than 180sd. Pets were bought for 100sd so anything around that is an excellent bargain. Really think before purchasing a pet as they cost quite a bit. Consider these questions: Why am I buying this? Is it worth the money? Also uniqe posters and furniture from well known designers are being sold for a reasonable price! If you want Dolce,Gucci or one of your favourite celebrities in your suite, I would definetly reccomend one. Get in touch with the designer and ask if they would make a unique one for you if there's something different you have in mind. If your really lucky, they might sell you it for starcoins but the odds are unlikely.

The aim is to sell your old items. If they were free before, sell the item for less than 50 starcoins. Sell your items for up to 10sd/80sc over the original price, I garantee they will sell. Stardesign items are harder to sell, the buyer will look at the price more than the design sometimes, so aim to sell it at around 7sd or under. Adevertising on your presentation is always good, especially if your honest about your prices. Promote your bazar anywhere you can, however in a friendly manner. Broadcasting is a plus to. See Rachels tips for further info.

Tomorrow an exclusive interview with the owner of fresh face models and one of stardolls most talented graphic designers xx

Love Georgie/abbeydawn122

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