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Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Graphic Designer...

Hello Readers,

This is the perfect time to be a stardoll graphic designer, with a shortage of skilled members who are able to create graphics for bloggs and collections. So I set about creating my own graphic...let me tell you it's way harder than it looks. I used my own medoll as a model and without a graphics tablet, shading was hard.

Purple is a versatile colour and one that's big this autumn along with every other colour that isn't black! My inspirations came from todays graphic designers who make the most amazing dresses. Teamed with a hotbuys snake bracelet, I think the graphic looks ok.

This is my first graphic and I hope there may be more to come, but my skills are limited and individual ones take a couple of hours to do. Please let me know your opinions and general thoughts on graphic designers. Every comment gets a cupcake, so remember to write :)

Love Georgie/abbeydawn122 xx


  1. It's pre' cool. :] What graphics program do you use? Paint? Pixlr?

  2. I use paint :) Thanks for the comments I hope to make some more soon, but graphics are quite time consuming x

  3. That's pretty good for a first time, especially on paint! I really like the dress, the shape is very creative. :)
